Interested in volunteering, or looking for paid employment? Maybe you are involved in a charity or VCSE organisations and are looking for advice… We have a series of e-newsletters to support you:

Subscribe to our Newsletters

  • Our Communities team at Voluntary Norfolk put out a monthly Volunteering e-Newsletter, highlighting volunteering stories and showcasing the latest volunteering opportunities across Norfolk.
  • Our Momentum team put out a Youth Work Network e-newsletter
  • As part of the wider Empowering Communities Partnership, we provide a monthly newsletter providing advice to charities and VCSE groups in Norfolk as well as highlighting changes that may affect them.
  • Our trading arm, CBR Business Solutions, puts out a fortnightly jobs newsletter with some of the latest vacancies in the charity sector across Norfolk.

You can subscribe to just one newsletter or as many as you wish and it is easy to unsubscribe at any time.

Subscribe to our Newsletters

You can also have a look at some of our previous newsletters.