Voluntary Norfolk is working in partnership with Norfolk Community Health and Care (NCHC) NHS Trust to support patients who are vulnerable due to increasing ill health.
Patients we work with suffer from ill health as a result of age, poor mobility and/or living with long term health conditions. Because of these difficulties, many patients experience social isolation. The support our volunteers offer aims to reduce loneliness, improve well-being and confidence and enable better access to information about health and social care services.
If you are interested in becoming part of our team of Volunteers, please complete our Application Form.
The project aims to improve patient and service user experience. We recognise that with increasing demand on services, integrating volunteers and effectively accessing the voluntary sector offers a pro-active approach to supporting excellent patient care.
We also work within Children’s Services and the Matrix Project which offers outreach support to sex workers.
What is involved?
Volunteers support health professionals and patients within community hospital settings. They undertake roles ranging from supporting patients with rehabilitation activities, to assisting on wards at mealtimes and helping with administration and stock room maintenance.
Volunteer roles are developed by working closely with health professionals and specialists, to identify areas where the support of volunteers can have a positive impact on individual patients, service users and services.
Volunteers right for this role need to be happy working independently to high standards, comfortable in a hospital environment and able to make a regular weekly commitment of between 1-4 hrs, depending on the role. A friendly and approachable manner is vital, as well as good time keeping skills.
Potential volunteers need to undergo a DBS check, which is free of charge, and provide two appropriate character references. Training will be provided for all volunteers, with specialist training provided if you take on a more challenging role. You will be supported in your volunteering role by your local co-ordinator as well as the staff team your placement is with, where appropriate.
If you have any questions about our service, please contact our Volunteer Service Manager.
Project Staff
Find staff contact details under Volunteer Services in Our Team.
Funding and Partners
Norfolk Community Health and Care NHS Trust. Visit the NCHC Volunteering website for more information.