Local Young Carer’s Journey Towards Employment Success

Voluntary Norfolk’s Young Carers Employment and Transitions Service is helping transform the future of young carers by supporting them get back into work. Most recently Shaun Evans, the Employability and Transitions Adviser, provided vital guidance to a 16-year-old carer as he navigated his path towards a career in construction. The young carer looks after his mother (who has fibromyalgia) and provides emotional support for his sister with ADHD, also has ADHD and requires additional support himself. Thanks to the service offered by Voluntary Norfolk, he now has a clear plan for his future and recently secured his first job.

How we helped…

He first came into contact with the Employment and Transitions Service through the recommendation of one of Voluntary Norfolk’s Young Carer and Family Support Workers who was already assisting his family. In his initial consultation, the young carer expressed a need for advice and guidance regarding education, training, and employment. Key priorities identified were CV creation, interview skills practice, job search support, and access to relevant training opportunities, such as the Construction Skills Certification Scheme (CSCS), essential for his goal of becoming a bricklayer.

Shaun Evans supports young carers get into work

Working alongside an Employment and Transitions Adviser, he developed a detailed action plan to achieve his goals. Through open discussions, realistic targets were set, and progress was tracked step by step. With guidance on job applications and interview techniques, this young carer gained confidence and motivation. Voluntary Norfolk’s service also helped him access free training to obtain his CSCS card, a key milestone in his journey to entering the construction industry.


As a result of this support, he has made significant strides. He has successfully drafted his first CV, honed his job application skills, and secured a position in a fast-food restaurant. The experience of earning his own income has further boosted his sense of responsibility and independence. More importantly, he now has a clearer vision for his future, including pursuing an apprenticeship in bricklaying.


Reflecting on his experience with the service, the young carer said: “Before, I didn’t have a clear plan. Now, I’m much more comfortable with where I’m going. Talking to Shaun [the adviser] doesn’t feel like I’m talking to an adult—it feels natural. I used to struggle with social situations, but I’ve found the process smooth and supportive.”

Going forward into employment

The Employment and Transitions Service has not only equipped him with the tools he needs for his career but also provided the confidence to embrace new opportunities. This story serves as a testament to the positive impact of Voluntary Norfolk’s tailored support services for young carers.


For more information about the Young Carers Employment and Transitions Service, please contact Shaun Evans. The contact details of all the team that work with young carers can be found here.